The existence of the e-learning course is going to facilitate in a great degree the sustainability of the project results since it is going to allow the organisation of e-learning courses for many members of the target group in a very low cost in all partner languages. In this way, the results are going to be sustained easily and used after the end of the project.


A business plan is going to be developed in order to support the activities after the end of the project: the business plan is going to include: resources needed, sources of finance, organisational aspects, timeframes etc. It is going to be ready before the beginning of the joint qualification course. The business plan is going to be developed commonly by the project partners with the support of the project stakeholders. The joint qualification is going to be included in the regular training offer provided by the VET organisations involved. It is going to be supported by national support schemes and/or tuition fees.


A mapping activity will take place in order to create networks between all the above mentioned stakeholders. These networks will support a) the inclusivity of the VET institutions b) the vet disabled students.

In fact, the VET students at the end of the course, they will have to produce work paged apprenticeships in the promotion of art and cultural works. The important bit here is that support is not something that is bolted into an already existing idea but rather integral to its creation. Many entrepreneurial activities are born of support worker / family involvement. The organisations that are going to participate in the networks of the project are also going to be used as mainstreaming organisations for the dissemination of the project results. The existing networks of the partner organisations are going to be used in order to spread information in other networks.

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