The Education Center Slave Raškaj is an institution in the system of the Ministry of Labor, Pension System, Family and Social Policy in Zagreb, Croatia and it provides services to users with hearing impairments, normal hearing with speech and language communication disorders, users with communication difficulties from the autism spectrum and users with multiple disabilities. The users of the Center are children, young people and adults. The Center for Education Slave Raškaj Zagreb is a provider of high-quality professional services and a key partner and initiator of programs and projects in the community to improve the quality of life and integration of service users. They provide:

Programmes and Services:

1. Early interventions 0 to 5 years of age

2. Professional mobile team- home visitation

3. Speech and language therapy

4. Counselling centre for children and parents

5. Psychosocial rehabilitation

6. Kindergarten- 3,5 to 7 years of age

7. Primary education

8. Secondary/ Vocational traning ( cook, pastry cook, tailor, locksmith, car- body mecganic): duration 3-4 years

9. Employment and entrepreneurship incentives

Psychosocial rehabilitation:

1. Speech and language therapy

2. Special eduaction and rehabilitation

3. Kinesitherapy and sports therapy

4. Music/art/ wok therapy

5. Psychosocial support

6. Sensory integration

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