The Innovation Center for Vocational Training of Aragon (CIFPA) participates in the InclusiVET project with the aim of providing Vocational Training teachers with all the necessary tools to ensure the inclusion, in the educational system, of disadvantaged groups, and more specifically , to people with disabilities.

At CIFPA they are aware of the important role that education and, in particular, the Vocational Training system has in achieving equal opportunities for all people. CIFPA is an entity that at the regional and national level supports teachers and Vocational Training centers in incorporating innovative, active, flexible and inclusive teaching methodologies into their classrooms. One of its lines of work is teacher training with specific training actions at a technical level, but also transversal to continue working for quality Vocational Training.

Those who work at CIFPA believe that Vocational Training is one of the backbones of wealth. They consider that the main capital of their territory is the people who make it up, whatever their circumstances. Their ideas, skills, dreams, and motivations make the growth and well-being of our society possible. They promote innovation, training and inclusion. They connect students, trainers, workers, companies, entities and administrations.

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