Capaz from Peru,is an interdisciplinary association that promotes the valuing of diverse abilities in the cultural, educational and organisational sector through the arts and other participatory methodologies; promoting an attitude of inclusion based on abilities, instead of the traditional discrimination based on “disabilities”. They want to form a community that respects the right to autonomy and self-determination of people with disabilities. CAPAZ has several artistic and cultural projects co-created with the community:
“Carga Visual: Episodios Escénicos” (sensory theatre play) and “Redoble: Marinera inclusiva”(documentary and performance), both projects have been presented for free since 2018 in various venues in the capital of Lima, as well as in the Parapan American Games Lima 2019; “Episodios Posibles” virtual theatre project about mental health and confinement.

The Art and Disability Encounter 2019 and 2021, a project known in more than 10 countries around the world, which has received two national awards (MunLima and MIDIS) and international support. In 2021 we presented the virtual programme “Vitrina Alternativa” for artists with disabilities and allies. In the educational area they present the CONECTA training workshops on various topics that intersect disability, we have reached more than 500 users as teachers, entrepreneurs and students; in summer 2021 they present the program “MY WORLD AND ME: art workshops for diversity” aimed at diverse children and adolescents; and from 2022 the comprehensive theatre workshop for young people with Down Syndrome “Aliadxs” will be taught. They are an association
that belongs to the Disability and Rights Board of the National Human Rights Coordinating Committee, an area in which they promote social and political advocacy through their participatory methodology. Winners
of the category Promotion of Inclusion of Key Populations 2020 of the contest of the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima “Youth for Lima”, winners of the support for the programming of festivals 2021 by IBERESCENA. In 2021 we received the COVID and Economic Stimulus for the Arts support from the Peruvian Ministry of Culture. The most recent recognition was awarded by the Ministry of Social Inclusion
and CONADIS as Promotion of the Inclusion of key people, 2021.

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