ACTION SYNERGY, the project coordinator, has participated in numerous projects over its 36 years of work, focusing on inclusion of disadvantaged groups, and more specifically, of people with disabilities, and the use of innovative methodologies such as theatre exercises and art. Simultaneously, they have worked meticulously in projects which aim to upscale and enhance the capacities and activities of VET institutions, both by creating innovative curricula, and by providing teaching and training methodologies in order to improve the pedagogy of VET schools.

Action Synergy has also extensive experience in the field of project management and in the field of VET. Action Synergy is also an expert in apprenticeships (coordinator of the EAPPREN project related with the promotion of apprenticeships (http://www.eappren and member of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships). They have participated in multiple projects involving the upskilling of VET organisations, such as DiVET (, CultVET (, and INLESSON ( vet/inlesson/).

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